I agree that this essay is not antisemitism but rather an analysis on why Jews are seen as different from other people. I have not felt discriminated against by Jews but I have observed discrimination that Jews use against others.
SPOT ON! Read the Nuremberg Race Laws and substitute"Goyim" or "Non-Jew" for "Jew" or "Jewish" in the text, and you have the basis for modern Jewish fascism. Pure and simple hypocrisy! And it is not "anti-Semitic" to point this out. We are seeing this play out wight in front of our very eyes.
Regardless of what one writes or thinks, the most important thing is to analyze the said situations in Palestine and the situation of the so called ´´ State of Israel´´ is a state of MURDERERS, GENOCIDING THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE in plein view !!!!!! FACTS are FACTS.
Very well-written! Sober and very rational. Thank you. The first livestreamed genocide that has taken place in Gaza- at the cost of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian lives- has exposed to the whole world the rot at the heart of this belief system. We can & should no longer tolerate it.
It's incredible how many people give Judaism a pass because they believe, "Judaism is a religion," or "Judaism is ONLY a religion." Absurd. Should we stop our criticism of the USA because "The USA is a democracy"? That's also absurd. And when we criticize the USA, it doesn't mean we hate Americans for being Americans. I don't hate any Jew for being a Jew. I regard everyone as individuals and judge them by what they say and do. I do think Jews are stupid for identifying with a murderous cult of genocidal leaders. For what? Bagels and Seders? I know many Jews who identify like that and most of them don't have a clue about the political impact of Judaism. I regard Judaism as a cult more than anything else.
And why are we freely allowed to criticize the USA as much as we want, accusing it of genocide in Gaza for its political support of Israel, but we cannot criticize Judaism of genocide in Gaza for it's political support of the Israeli Jews? Jews are committing genocide, and no amount of propaganda can make that fact untrue.
Any political organization is open to criticism, and it's undeniable fact that Judaism has an extremely potent political arm called the US Jewish Lobby. They know it and that's why it's forbidden to state the fact of that lobby, which MUST be referred to erroneously and deceptively as "The Israel Lobby." I provide the proof for this statement in the following link: https://iwasathought.substack.com/p/the-jewish-lobby .
If Judaism or the "Jewish Community" wants to be regarded as solely a religion, then it needs to dismantle its political organizations and stop their political and social lobbying, and behave like many other religions. As it is, they are one of the most powerful political interest groups that has ever existed. And like virtually every other humongous political interest group, it damages our democracy; e.g., the Fossil Fuel Industry, the MIC, Big Pharma, etc..
And besides, how could Judaism be considered to be solely a religion when a large portion of Jews are atheist? Must we consider Athiesm as a kind of religion?
"And why are we freely allowed to criticize the USA as much as we want, accusing it of genocide in Gaza for its political support of Israel, but we cannot criticize Judaism of genocide in Gaza for it's political support of the Israeli Jews?"
By no means is this true just in the USA. Here is a story I came across yesterday:
"Consider the statements made by Australia’s Attorney General Mark Dreyfus - an avid supporter of the provisions which he believes will counter the rise of antisemitism. Dreyfus told the Australian Jewish News that the legislation “delivers the toughest laws Australia has ever had against hate crimes”, and that the “the overwhelming vote in our national parliament sends a clear and unambiguous message that antisemitic acts are criminal acts and will not be tolerated”. This is not an independent saying this, it is the Attorney General admitting that these laws have bipartisan support, will be the ‘toughest ever’."
Of course, Australia’s Attorney General Mark Dreyfus is Jewish. He has been the MP for Isaacs since the 2007 election. The division was named after Sir Isaac Isaacs, former Chief Justice of Australia and the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia. Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs, GCB, GCMG, PC, KC (6 August 1855 – 11 February 1948) was an Australian lawyer, politician, and judge who served as the ninth Governor-General of Australia, in office from 1931 to 1936. Isaacs was Australia's first Jewish High Court Justice, the first Jewish Chief Justice of Australia and also the first Jewish Governor-General of Australia.
Paradoxically, since the Jewish homeland of Israel is foundational to Jewish identity, Isaac Isaacs was known to be Anti-Zionist, or at least this is what he publicly professed to being.
Very obvious displays of in-tribe preference plus holding leadership positions in virtually every sphere of society might have something to do with it.
Yes, very discriminating. The questions then are how did they achieve leadership positions in virtually every sphere of society, and why has this been allowed to occur?
Is it too dismissive to accord the power to effect this outcome to the preponderance of Jewish ownership of the central banks and the finance sector corporations, and both in the past with their controlling influence in establishment religions as well as in the present with a similar control of the news-entertainment-media complex, and hence to the overwhelming influence, if not complete domination of all messaging, narrative control, and affairs of state which finance and propaganda have had for centuries?
I am frankly in awe of the measured line of this discourse and the restraint you've exercised with the writing of it. I can't even think about this matter without becoming furious and frenzied. It is with equal amounts of profound dismay and disgust that I contemplate the degeneration of Western Civilization as a direct consequence not only of appeasement toward Judaism, but of the tolerance towards their overtly hostile towards coexistence doctrines and, thence inconceivably, the active promotion of the Jewish Tribe within societies.
"And they got western powers to support their extermination of Palestinians for the land."
To me, this is the extreme lowest bound. The vicious depravity of the Jewish Tribe is not only validated but facilitated and empowered by the Goyim whom have ever been preyed upon and are slated for enslavement or destruction by the Jewish Tribe. Today it is Palestine and the Palestinians, tomorrow it will be our turn, and we explicitly have ourselves to blame.
I have not been able to satisfactorily dissect in my own mind the hypothesis that the Jewish "superpower" has been their cornering of the contingency of the debt theory of money, which is indeed such an overworked stereotype while also being unquestionably true. It is not only by their capture of the mechanisms for the creation of money, but of greater consequence is the universality and thoroughness of the demonic possession of all societies by money and the installation of debt money as the linchpin of every economy. I know almost nothing about the occult and am staunchly skeptical notwithstanding, but this pernicious money monomania does all suggest a kind of sorcery has been cast. If by no other means, debt money has been the device for the weaponization of greed and self-interest, and this may be the very crux, the force majeure in the Jewish-directed degeneracy of every society that has accommodated the Jewish Tribe.
Aux, we may be witnessing the ascent of a superior group of people. Not superior as human beings but superior in organization and dominance of others. Such dominance requires the coordination of a few key activities that I tried to nail down here.
But think about it. How did the Aztecs grow to dominate in ancient Mexico, or the Incas in Peru, or in more recent times, the Alawi Tribe in Syria, the Jains in India, the Nazis in Germany, the communists in China? There are countless examples of groups of people who rise above others. Right now, I don't see anything that can stop Judaism, and of course, Judaism has its own uniqueness as far as groups go. Look just at the USA. Why does a group of people making 2.3% the population have members who dominate in many different key social areas, and then they're able to brainwash the populace into a refusal to publicly acknowledge that fact? Just saying the truth about it gets your life cancelled if you're anyone of social importance.
We humans are very poor at solving our social problems. It seems things have to get very bad first, then, instead of a calm, reasoned approach governed by rationality, violence occurs and many innocent people are killed. This is what Israel/Palestine is going through. This is what the US is going through under Trump, and this is what caused the many pogroms in western history.
Things truly are winding down in a frightening way, and it is almost certain there will be much blood and devastation before the end.
"Such dominance requires the coordination of a few key activities that I tried to nail down here. "
Jim, I believe you've covered those activities and spanned the ambit extremely well - enviously well in fact and you have earned my admiration. However, I also contend that the role of Christianity in advancing the Jewish Tribe's agenda has been a major factor, and possibly one if not the greatest.
This is an extremely contentious matter, and I run the very real risk of offending, though I have no intent to do so.
Accordingly, I view the Roman emperor, Constantine's policy of appeasement towards Christianity as putting Western civilization on a path towards the outcome we are now living with. Later, in England, when the departing Crusaders were joined by crowds of debtors in the massacres of Jews at London and York in 1189 – 1190. In 1275, Edward I of England passed the Statute of the Jewry which made usury illegal and linked it to blasphemy, ostensibly in order to seize the assets of the violators, but it could just as suitably be interpreted as a ploy for giving the violators the monopoly on the issuance of credit, because all of society except for a certain, select fraction of it could engage in the practice without reprisal. This state of affairs was entrenched institutionally in the European centers right through until the Vatican Vix pervenit encyclical, which was promulgated by Pope Benedict XIV on November 1, 1745, in which it was condemned the practice of charging interest on loans as usury, again formalizing the monopoly on the issuance of credit into the hands of a group of people that still retain that control in our present times.
Aux, have no concern about offending me. I don't get offended because I know who I am. I only look for facts, good reasoning, and an open, honest heart.
Your historical explanation of how we got where we are and the role of Christians and Kings in the process is believable. I don't know much about all that, but it's likely true that there have been many greedy and dishonest people who have helped shape the current status quo, and in many instances, Jews have been victimized by rotten people.
I'm limited to what's happening in the world now, and I give my observations and thoughts about it. Although I could be wrong, I believe that the more accurately we can cite the most relevant facts and use valid rational thought based on those facts, the more accurately we can understand what we're living through and sort out the good guys from the not so good guys.
A few grains of truth in an otherwise deeply flawed analysis. For example comparing your Italian heritage to Jewish history. Were Italians subjected to thousands of years of pogroms because the Christian majority considered them to be "Christ killers"? Were 6 million Italians murdered by non-Italians in a Holocaust? Two reasons Jews stick together is a) they were segregated by the non-Jewish majority, and 2) as a survival mechanism.
This doesn't justify the harmful actions of Zionism, but it offers some useful context, which your article lacks. www.pzmove.org
Jackie, thanks for your views. Here is the relevant quote from my essay: "To me, as a 2nd generation Italian, the demand that Italians and Italian culture, survives forever is absurd. Although it wasn’t easy, I - and I believe most others - have escaped the religious and cultural indoctrination of youth, so why can’t Jews do the same?"
From the link you provide, I assume you're a Jew. Would you please answer the question?
But your response is instructive. It illustrates a common indoctrination theme that Jews receive as children and that they carry for the rest of their lives; i.e., that Jews are so unique that they cannot be expected to act like other human beings; Jews are exceptional in that Jews can only be victims; Jews can never do any wrong, and so on. I call this the "Jewish Victim card."
In years past, that card got Jews many favors, including permission to exterminate people without accountability. I think, or maybe only hope, that the validity of that card is expiring and that Jews someday realize they are fundamentally the same as any other human being. Even better, I hope the vast majority of the Goyim wake up to this fact and are free to state it publicly without fear of being called an "antisemite," as if that's something worse than committing genocide.
Jackie, thank you for writing this. You are correct that there are a few grains of truth among a huge number of deeply flawed arguments. I agree with the author's thoughts in a human instinct to dislike others, but there is a huge amount of victim-blaming in this article, as well as a huge misunderstanding of Judaism as both a religion and a culture. Then there is the argument that Judaism should just go away because there is no need for it and it causes problems for the world. That's not correct at all. Judaism and Jews historically do not cause problems. Others cause peroblmes for Jews. THAT is the problem! Further, by your argument all small religions and ethnic groups should disappear, but thenwhy not all the large religions too? They just cause problems and conflicts! (How many people hav died in Jesus' name?) Maybe if we lived in the world of John Lennon's Imagine, disappearing all religions, ethnicities, etc would be good. But in the meantime why is it only the Jews that should cease to exist? Because they are successful? Another problem with the article: I had to laugh when I read about all the advantages of being a Jew. These would include: Getting beaten up and called names by other kids; Not being allowed in certain organizations, country clubs, etc; Having quotas against us in college admissions and being redlined out of certain neighborhoods. Great advantages indeed! Finally, I'll bring up the argument that Jews refuse to assimilate. That's a false premise. Over and over Jews have attempted to assimilate, particularly in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Do you have any idea how assimilated and secular Jews were in Germany before Hitler? But even when they do assimilate they get criticized for being successful. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. What you're suggesting is that Jews should assimilate, keep their mouths shut, and don't do anything to draw attention. Then you'll give them permission foer them to exist. I could go on and on and on but I'll leave by saying that the three questions you ask at the beginning aren't great questions. Why should Jews exist? Why shouldn't they???
Jackson, I read about half of the page you linked to and will finish it later. I'm shocked.
About 25 years ago, I gave Jews the benefit of a doubt and accepted that mean people wanted to disgrace them for being Jews. But the more I studied, the more I found out the truth about the fact that Judaism is a kind of cult that has hoodwinked the western world in the last 150 years. It's fundamentally a murderous cult of genocidal leaders.
In your article, I was especially interested in the financial facts, the quotes from Jewish "sacred" texts, and the reprehensible behavior of the IDF. Thanks for doing the research.
I sadly believe that Judaism is unstoppable and that the western and Mideast world is about to enter an Age of Jews. They succeeded in making the landscape of the ME squeaky clean for their atrocities and they succeeded in making the mindscape of most western countries in a state of worship - both government and people. What could stop them? In the West, they will continue to force the passage of more laws that restrict free speech, and maybe in not so long, much of what Substack is doing now will be outlawed.
As individuals, the only recourse we have is to shun, shame, ostracize, and boycott all those who identify with Judaism and support Zionism/Israel. Beyond that, we must continue to say the truth in the best way it could be said.
Forget the first Adolf. Let's focus on the second Adolf, who currently walks the Earth, freely, despite the fact he's an international criminal eager to continue his misdeeds.
I agree that this essay is not antisemitism but rather an analysis on why Jews are seen as different from other people. I have not felt discriminated against by Jews but I have observed discrimination that Jews use against others.
Very well written, thank you.
SPOT ON! Read the Nuremberg Race Laws and substitute"Goyim" or "Non-Jew" for "Jew" or "Jewish" in the text, and you have the basis for modern Jewish fascism. Pure and simple hypocrisy! And it is not "anti-Semitic" to point this out. We are seeing this play out wight in front of our very eyes.
Regardless of what one writes or thinks, the most important thing is to analyze the said situations in Palestine and the situation of the so called ´´ State of Israel´´ is a state of MURDERERS, GENOCIDING THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE in plein view !!!!!! FACTS are FACTS.
Very well-written! Sober and very rational. Thank you. The first livestreamed genocide that has taken place in Gaza- at the cost of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian lives- has exposed to the whole world the rot at the heart of this belief system. We can & should no longer tolerate it.
Teresa, thank you.
It's incredible how many people give Judaism a pass because they believe, "Judaism is a religion," or "Judaism is ONLY a religion." Absurd. Should we stop our criticism of the USA because "The USA is a democracy"? That's also absurd. And when we criticize the USA, it doesn't mean we hate Americans for being Americans. I don't hate any Jew for being a Jew. I regard everyone as individuals and judge them by what they say and do. I do think Jews are stupid for identifying with a murderous cult of genocidal leaders. For what? Bagels and Seders? I know many Jews who identify like that and most of them don't have a clue about the political impact of Judaism. I regard Judaism as a cult more than anything else.
And why are we freely allowed to criticize the USA as much as we want, accusing it of genocide in Gaza for its political support of Israel, but we cannot criticize Judaism of genocide in Gaza for it's political support of the Israeli Jews? Jews are committing genocide, and no amount of propaganda can make that fact untrue.
Any political organization is open to criticism, and it's undeniable fact that Judaism has an extremely potent political arm called the US Jewish Lobby. They know it and that's why it's forbidden to state the fact of that lobby, which MUST be referred to erroneously and deceptively as "The Israel Lobby." I provide the proof for this statement in the following link: https://iwasathought.substack.com/p/the-jewish-lobby .
If Judaism or the "Jewish Community" wants to be regarded as solely a religion, then it needs to dismantle its political organizations and stop their political and social lobbying, and behave like many other religions. As it is, they are one of the most powerful political interest groups that has ever existed. And like virtually every other humongous political interest group, it damages our democracy; e.g., the Fossil Fuel Industry, the MIC, Big Pharma, etc..
And besides, how could Judaism be considered to be solely a religion when a large portion of Jews are atheist? Must we consider Athiesm as a kind of religion?
"And why are we freely allowed to criticize the USA as much as we want, accusing it of genocide in Gaza for its political support of Israel, but we cannot criticize Judaism of genocide in Gaza for it's political support of the Israeli Jews?"
By no means is this true just in the USA. Here is a story I came across yesterday:
Australia’s insane war on free speech continues
Letters from O'Brien #75
Winston Smith
Feb 12, 2025
"Consider the statements made by Australia’s Attorney General Mark Dreyfus - an avid supporter of the provisions which he believes will counter the rise of antisemitism. Dreyfus told the Australian Jewish News that the legislation “delivers the toughest laws Australia has ever had against hate crimes”, and that the “the overwhelming vote in our national parliament sends a clear and unambiguous message that antisemitic acts are criminal acts and will not be tolerated”. This is not an independent saying this, it is the Attorney General admitting that these laws have bipartisan support, will be the ‘toughest ever’."
Of course, Australia’s Attorney General Mark Dreyfus is Jewish. He has been the MP for Isaacs since the 2007 election. The division was named after Sir Isaac Isaacs, former Chief Justice of Australia and the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia. Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs, GCB, GCMG, PC, KC (6 August 1855 – 11 February 1948) was an Australian lawyer, politician, and judge who served as the ninth Governor-General of Australia, in office from 1931 to 1936. Isaacs was Australia's first Jewish High Court Justice, the first Jewish Chief Justice of Australia and also the first Jewish Governor-General of Australia.
Paradoxically, since the Jewish homeland of Israel is foundational to Jewish identity, Isaac Isaacs was known to be Anti-Zionist, or at least this is what he publicly professed to being.
Very obvious displays of in-tribe preference plus holding leadership positions in virtually every sphere of society might have something to do with it.
Absolutely. These are fundamental to success, if done right. And Jews do it right.
And it’s “okay for me not for thee” 😂
Yes, very discriminating. The questions then are how did they achieve leadership positions in virtually every sphere of society, and why has this been allowed to occur?
Is it too dismissive to accord the power to effect this outcome to the preponderance of Jewish ownership of the central banks and the finance sector corporations, and both in the past with their controlling influence in establishment religions as well as in the present with a similar control of the news-entertainment-media complex, and hence to the overwhelming influence, if not complete domination of all messaging, narrative control, and affairs of state which finance and propaganda have had for centuries?
I am frankly in awe of the measured line of this discourse and the restraint you've exercised with the writing of it. I can't even think about this matter without becoming furious and frenzied. It is with equal amounts of profound dismay and disgust that I contemplate the degeneration of Western Civilization as a direct consequence not only of appeasement toward Judaism, but of the tolerance towards their overtly hostile towards coexistence doctrines and, thence inconceivably, the active promotion of the Jewish Tribe within societies.
"And they got western powers to support their extermination of Palestinians for the land."
To me, this is the extreme lowest bound. The vicious depravity of the Jewish Tribe is not only validated but facilitated and empowered by the Goyim whom have ever been preyed upon and are slated for enslavement or destruction by the Jewish Tribe. Today it is Palestine and the Palestinians, tomorrow it will be our turn, and we explicitly have ourselves to blame.
I have not been able to satisfactorily dissect in my own mind the hypothesis that the Jewish "superpower" has been their cornering of the contingency of the debt theory of money, which is indeed such an overworked stereotype while also being unquestionably true. It is not only by their capture of the mechanisms for the creation of money, but of greater consequence is the universality and thoroughness of the demonic possession of all societies by money and the installation of debt money as the linchpin of every economy. I know almost nothing about the occult and am staunchly skeptical notwithstanding, but this pernicious money monomania does all suggest a kind of sorcery has been cast. If by no other means, debt money has been the device for the weaponization of greed and self-interest, and this may be the very crux, the force majeure in the Jewish-directed degeneracy of every society that has accommodated the Jewish Tribe.
Aux, we may be witnessing the ascent of a superior group of people. Not superior as human beings but superior in organization and dominance of others. Such dominance requires the coordination of a few key activities that I tried to nail down here.
But think about it. How did the Aztecs grow to dominate in ancient Mexico, or the Incas in Peru, or in more recent times, the Alawi Tribe in Syria, the Jains in India, the Nazis in Germany, the communists in China? There are countless examples of groups of people who rise above others. Right now, I don't see anything that can stop Judaism, and of course, Judaism has its own uniqueness as far as groups go. Look just at the USA. Why does a group of people making 2.3% the population have members who dominate in many different key social areas, and then they're able to brainwash the populace into a refusal to publicly acknowledge that fact? Just saying the truth about it gets your life cancelled if you're anyone of social importance.
We humans are very poor at solving our social problems. It seems things have to get very bad first, then, instead of a calm, reasoned approach governed by rationality, violence occurs and many innocent people are killed. This is what Israel/Palestine is going through. This is what the US is going through under Trump, and this is what caused the many pogroms in western history.
Things truly are winding down in a frightening way, and it is almost certain there will be much blood and devastation before the end.
"Such dominance requires the coordination of a few key activities that I tried to nail down here. "
Jim, I believe you've covered those activities and spanned the ambit extremely well - enviously well in fact and you have earned my admiration. However, I also contend that the role of Christianity in advancing the Jewish Tribe's agenda has been a major factor, and possibly one if not the greatest.
This is an extremely contentious matter, and I run the very real risk of offending, though I have no intent to do so.
Accordingly, I view the Roman emperor, Constantine's policy of appeasement towards Christianity as putting Western civilization on a path towards the outcome we are now living with. Later, in England, when the departing Crusaders were joined by crowds of debtors in the massacres of Jews at London and York in 1189 – 1190. In 1275, Edward I of England passed the Statute of the Jewry which made usury illegal and linked it to blasphemy, ostensibly in order to seize the assets of the violators, but it could just as suitably be interpreted as a ploy for giving the violators the monopoly on the issuance of credit, because all of society except for a certain, select fraction of it could engage in the practice without reprisal. This state of affairs was entrenched institutionally in the European centers right through until the Vatican Vix pervenit encyclical, which was promulgated by Pope Benedict XIV on November 1, 1745, in which it was condemned the practice of charging interest on loans as usury, again formalizing the monopoly on the issuance of credit into the hands of a group of people that still retain that control in our present times.
Aux, have no concern about offending me. I don't get offended because I know who I am. I only look for facts, good reasoning, and an open, honest heart.
Your historical explanation of how we got where we are and the role of Christians and Kings in the process is believable. I don't know much about all that, but it's likely true that there have been many greedy and dishonest people who have helped shape the current status quo, and in many instances, Jews have been victimized by rotten people.
I'm limited to what's happening in the world now, and I give my observations and thoughts about it. Although I could be wrong, I believe that the more accurately we can cite the most relevant facts and use valid rational thought based on those facts, the more accurately we can understand what we're living through and sort out the good guys from the not so good guys.
A few grains of truth in an otherwise deeply flawed analysis. For example comparing your Italian heritage to Jewish history. Were Italians subjected to thousands of years of pogroms because the Christian majority considered them to be "Christ killers"? Were 6 million Italians murdered by non-Italians in a Holocaust? Two reasons Jews stick together is a) they were segregated by the non-Jewish majority, and 2) as a survival mechanism.
This doesn't justify the harmful actions of Zionism, but it offers some useful context, which your article lacks. www.pzmove.org
Jackie, thanks for your views. Here is the relevant quote from my essay: "To me, as a 2nd generation Italian, the demand that Italians and Italian culture, survives forever is absurd. Although it wasn’t easy, I - and I believe most others - have escaped the religious and cultural indoctrination of youth, so why can’t Jews do the same?"
From the link you provide, I assume you're a Jew. Would you please answer the question?
But your response is instructive. It illustrates a common indoctrination theme that Jews receive as children and that they carry for the rest of their lives; i.e., that Jews are so unique that they cannot be expected to act like other human beings; Jews are exceptional in that Jews can only be victims; Jews can never do any wrong, and so on. I call this the "Jewish Victim card."
In years past, that card got Jews many favors, including permission to exterminate people without accountability. I think, or maybe only hope, that the validity of that card is expiring and that Jews someday realize they are fundamentally the same as any other human being. Even better, I hope the vast majority of the Goyim wake up to this fact and are free to state it publicly without fear of being called an "antisemite," as if that's something worse than committing genocide.
Jackie, thank you for writing this. You are correct that there are a few grains of truth among a huge number of deeply flawed arguments. I agree with the author's thoughts in a human instinct to dislike others, but there is a huge amount of victim-blaming in this article, as well as a huge misunderstanding of Judaism as both a religion and a culture. Then there is the argument that Judaism should just go away because there is no need for it and it causes problems for the world. That's not correct at all. Judaism and Jews historically do not cause problems. Others cause peroblmes for Jews. THAT is the problem! Further, by your argument all small religions and ethnic groups should disappear, but thenwhy not all the large religions too? They just cause problems and conflicts! (How many people hav died in Jesus' name?) Maybe if we lived in the world of John Lennon's Imagine, disappearing all religions, ethnicities, etc would be good. But in the meantime why is it only the Jews that should cease to exist? Because they are successful? Another problem with the article: I had to laugh when I read about all the advantages of being a Jew. These would include: Getting beaten up and called names by other kids; Not being allowed in certain organizations, country clubs, etc; Having quotas against us in college admissions and being redlined out of certain neighborhoods. Great advantages indeed! Finally, I'll bring up the argument that Jews refuse to assimilate. That's a false premise. Over and over Jews have attempted to assimilate, particularly in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Do you have any idea how assimilated and secular Jews were in Germany before Hitler? But even when they do assimilate they get criticized for being successful. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. What you're suggesting is that Jews should assimilate, keep their mouths shut, and don't do anything to draw attention. Then you'll give them permission foer them to exist. I could go on and on and on but I'll leave by saying that the three questions you ask at the beginning aren't great questions. Why should Jews exist? Why shouldn't they???
Judaism is the start of the genocidal problem of toxic ZIOnism!!!
When Humans (Whites) grow balls,
the Jews will be home in Hell!
Love this. I wrote a review of the jewish conspiracy earlier this year:
Jackson, I read about half of the page you linked to and will finish it later. I'm shocked.
About 25 years ago, I gave Jews the benefit of a doubt and accepted that mean people wanted to disgrace them for being Jews. But the more I studied, the more I found out the truth about the fact that Judaism is a kind of cult that has hoodwinked the western world in the last 150 years. It's fundamentally a murderous cult of genocidal leaders.
In your article, I was especially interested in the financial facts, the quotes from Jewish "sacred" texts, and the reprehensible behavior of the IDF. Thanks for doing the research.
I sadly believe that Judaism is unstoppable and that the western and Mideast world is about to enter an Age of Jews. They succeeded in making the landscape of the ME squeaky clean for their atrocities and they succeeded in making the mindscape of most western countries in a state of worship - both government and people. What could stop them? In the West, they will continue to force the passage of more laws that restrict free speech, and maybe in not so long, much of what Substack is doing now will be outlawed.
As individuals, the only recourse we have is to shun, shame, ostracize, and boycott all those who identify with Judaism and support Zionism/Israel. Beyond that, we must continue to say the truth in the best way it could be said.
So Adolf was correct.
Forget the first Adolf. Let's focus on the second Adolf, who currently walks the Earth, freely, despite the fact he's an international criminal eager to continue his misdeeds.
Jews exist to steal people’s money.
Callura, thanks for the link, and the essay by Jordan is indeed enlightening. It seems Jordan has done a lot of thinking on these issues.
STFU troll! I think I found a picture of Marcel 4 Zion!