Why so Many Problems with Jews, Why Does Judaism Exist, and Should Judaism Exist?
The Jewish Problem
Here, we address three questions, 1) Why has there been so much conflict between Jews and non-Jews in Western societies? 2) Why does Judaism exist? and 3) Why should Judaism exist?
To answer these questions, we must first understand that, within a relatively free society, a small minority group within which its members have a tightly knit cohesiveness and a strong drive to succeed will necessarily cause problems between its members and the larger society. These problems arise from the us/them instinct, which is a result of our biological evolution, and we all have it. This instinct is extremely strong and cannot be eliminated, meaning that when triggered it can cause emotions within us involving hateful thoughts and imaginary violence.
We can restrict any overt action urged by such emotions through education, self-control, and the enactment of laws, but we will never be able to completely eliminate the instinct’s emotional expression within our private thoughts.
Thus, people who identify with a group will see outsiders for at least some moments as "them, not us" and symmetrically for people outside the group. Problems rise when those outside the group see numbers of group members in positions of money and influence that exceed the demographic representation of the group. These problems intensify when the activity of those group members appears unfair to those outside the group. Even if such activity of group members isn’t really any worse than what many nongroup members do, instinctual and subjective reactions within some people will have a way of their own, beyond any rational mental control. This is the nature of the us/them instinct.
Most minority groups that came to the USA started off small, with members expressing the us/them instinct by sticking together and helping one another succeed in the larger society. This is human nature, and when people within a tight-knit group help each other, they have advantages over those outside the group. There are many documented instances of this societal behavior. With evolving generations, however, minority bonds weaken with assimilation, and soon, most minorities blend into the majority. This pattern is repeated in most western countries by many different groups, though some groups resist assimilation and remain small. In the USA, examples of the latter are the Amish and the Mennonites, who continue to thrive in small healthy groups. (Blacks are a special case with complications too numerous to be considered here.)
Jews have prevented assimilation by intensive indoctrination of their youth, but unlike other similar groups, they also have an unusual and strong ethos for individuals to excel within the larger non-Jewish society. In that ethos is also the demand to help other Jews in the same effort. The Amish and Mennonites don’t have such an ethos. Thus, Jews have had tremendous advantage over non-Jews, which has led to problems for both Jews and non-Jews. These problems are intensified within our democracy today because, although Jews consist of only about 2.2% of US society, they have effected changes via disproportionate political influence that provide benefits unique to themselves. To many, this is unfair, as unfair as other special interest groups that disproportionately influence our government and society. Examples of the latter are the fossil fuel, Christian right, military/industrial, pharmaceutical, and other lobbies. All this disproportionate influence is legal according to current laws, but to a vast majority of people, it’s not fair, and it illustrates a serious problem in our democracy. Judaism is a powerful and very successful special interest group in our society.
Our democracy has mechanisms to prevent some of its members from exercising undue advantage over others. Anti-trust laws are effective against corporations. But there are no legal mechanisms to prevent a minority group from exercising disproportionate advantage over the entire society. We cannot make laws that would restrict Jews from assuming roles available to anyone else. Such an idea is abhorrent to any group concerned with equality in society, yet an unhindered Jewish Tribe has resulted in much inequality, especially in Palestine, where Jewish leaders are conducting land theft, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and genocide.
We can now address the first question above. It's not necessary to analyze the entire history of Judaism within western society in order to understand the most obvious answers to this question that are derivable from current and past events. Concerning current events, the discussion in my previous post, "Jewish Leaders are Damaging our Democracy," discusses the crimes mentioned above and other concrete examples of the problems associated with Judaism in modern times, and the discussion there takes the view that Jewish political leaders commit many wrongdoings. And concerning past events, particularly in Europe, there are many documented conflicts between Jews and non-Jews when Jews were unjustly attacked, killed, and unmercifully driven from their homes by non-Jews. In some of these instances, it’s not easy to assign blame. Regardless, the current problems and these past problems prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there's a problematic nature to Jewish Tribalism, and these are problems for both Jews and non-Jews.
We cannot deny the fact that Judaism has been exceedingly problematic in western society. In fact, some 200 years ago, these very problems were the reasons why European Ashkenazi Jewish leaders looked to a homeland in Palestine. It was their solution to what they perceived as the “Jewish Problem,” or “Jewish Question,” involving pogroms in Europe. Eventually, they succeeded in forming not just a homeland but a sovereign Jewish state from stolen Palestinian land. But the problematic nature of Judaism was not solved. It was not solved in the diaspora nor in Israel. It was merely extrapolated from a national level to an international level. Such failure is not surprising because Jewish leaders haven’t addressed the basic reasons for the Jewish Problem, as we are addressing here. And most unfortunately, these Jewish leaders are adamant at avoiding a rational discussion and instead make the erroneous claim that “antisemitism” is the only real problem. This claim is only a diversion so that they could complete many political goals, including the genocide of the Palestinians as solution to their Jewish Problem.
To summarize thus far, I’m suggesting here that the problematic nature of Judaism is rooted in human nature and the fundamental premises on which the Jewish Tribe is based, i.e., 1) its tight-knit nature and its exploitation of the inherent advantages this offers to tribal members over non-tribal members, and 2) its ethos that tribal members excel in wealth and power in the larger society. These two tribal features are not normal for minority groups in general, and they also explain why Jews have survived so well in western society, despite the problems.
We are thus led to the second question, above, whose simple answer is, "Because Jews have made it mandatory that the Tribe survives forever." But here, we really mean the Jewish leaders, not the average person who identifies with Judaism. As with any group, the leaders are the primary motivators, and that's because it's the leaders that benefit most from the group. In fact, leaders are notorious for throwing the members of the group under the bus - i.e., wars - in order to maintain leadership. Considering the nature of the Jewish Tribe, we can say that it is, among other things, a successful business model by which its leaders and many other of its members achieve wealth and power.
The enormous success of this model ensures that Jewish leaders will expend great efforts to maintain it, and they do expend great effort to keep the younger generations within the fold. There are numerous programs at all age levels to intensify the indoctrination of young Jews, as for example Birthright Israel, Masa Israel, Young Judaea, Livnot U'Lehibanot, Volunteers for Israel, Honeymoon Israel, Amirim, Kimama Israel, and countless others at synagogue level. It’s unlikely that any other religious, ethnic, cultural, or political group expends anywhere near the effort that Judaism expends on indoctrinating its youth. Moreover, this indoctrination of beliefs and functional practices occurs in an extremely tight-knit and universal way throughout worldwide Judaism.
The survival of the Jewish Tribe over the millennia is a remarkable achievement, proving well the fact that Judaism is unmatched in its universal tight-knit organization. And Jewish leaders plan for that survival to never end. But why should the Tribe survive forever? Do the succeeding generations of Jews need the culture of their ancestors? Does the world need the Tribe? Is the world better off with the Tribe? Are the problems that come with the Tribe worth the benefits of the Tribe?
All these questions concern the younger generations of Jews. In the western world in modern times, succeeding generations find their way through society and really don’t need the culture of their parents, no matter how much those parents believe they do. To me, as a 2nd generation Italian, the demand that Italians and Italian culture survives forever is absurd. Although it wasn’t easy, I - and I believe most others - have escaped the religious and cultural indoctrination of youth, so why can’t Jews do the same? I also don't understand why Jews are so needy concerning this survival issue and why expend such effort to keep Jewish youth so heavily indoctrinated? Is there anything more to such a need than nostalgia and ancestor worship? Jewish leaders, however, adamantly argue that Tribal persistence is absolutely necessary. But necessary for what? Are these leaders motivated more by their own self-centered rewards of wealth, power, and self-identity/importance than by the justifications they preach to their followers? In my view, internal politics play a large role in the belief that the Jewish Tribe must exist for eternity (or until “the coming of the Messiah”), and there are other political possibilities available.
In more detail, I ask, are the Jewish customs, foods, religious practices, traditions, and ways of life worth all the mayhem that Jews are conducting on non-Jews? I’m sure most every Jew up in age would answer yes to that question, but how about a teenage Jew who isn’t yet indoctrinated too strongly into Jewish culture or who has escaped such influence from the elders? Or what about the vast majority of non-Jews who don’t know that indoctrination? And most importantly, how about those countless dead Palestinian victims of Jewish cruelty and the remaining numbers of them whose homeland and way of life have been sacrificed so that the Jewish Tribe survives forever?
This is exactly what Jewish leaders have taught us, “It’s either Palestinians or Jews.” And they got western powers to support their extermination of Palestinians for the land. If given the choice, who would the reader choose, Palestinians or Jews?
We haven’t addressed the good, positive features of Judaism here, but with the failure of the state of Israel to solve the Jewish Problem, I don’t see a way to separate that mayhem from all those truly commendable features of Judaism. I’ll leave it to others to explain what those latter features are and only ask, how does the reader match them up with the horrors committed by Jews in the entire region of Western Asia?
There are many tribes and groups of people who do not have the two features of Judaism described above and who treasure their way of life and also want eternal permanence. I support them because I don’t see in them the problematic nature I see in Judaism. These groups embrace their meaning in life through tribal ways and beliefs, and they don’t find their meaning in wealth, economic success, and dominance in the larger society. They don’t maintain a mechanism by which the group behaves as a materialistic predator on the outside group, and that’s why these groups are not nearly as politically problematic as is the Jewish Tribe.
The Jewish Tribe has over thousands of years sharpened its survival methods by emphasizing success and dominance in the larger society. Jews are thus equipped very well for such success, and in my view, it’s likely those methods are enhanced by genetic changes over the past 2,000 years. The Jewish Problem has become a major problem on an international level, and thus, it warrants rational public discussion. No doubt Jewish leaders will declare such a discussion “antisemitic,” with increasing efforts to maintain the current state of public acquiescence to their point of view.
As mentioned above, Judaism is many things, and we can associate with it many cultish features. The extreme indoctrination of its youth is such a feature. The shared Zionistic beliefs among Jews and their support of a Jewish state founded on fascist principles is another. The Jewish teaching to regard the non-Jewish world as a single entity – the Goyim – without any distinctions according to nationality, religion, culture, etc. is another, including the associated, contemptuous regard for that Goyim as an entity primed and eager at any moment to exterminate Jews “just because we’re Jews.” The most ironic fact is that Jewish leaders are committing genocide on Palestinians for the simple reason Palestinians are NOT Jews.
In my view, world events illustrate that Judaism has degenerated to a murderous cult of genocidal leaders, with far too many of its members believing they are superior to the Goyim. And I believe it’s no accident. The ethos of victimhood is a glue that holds the Tribe together. The more Jewish victims there are, whether they result from horrible anti-Jew crimes or from exaggerated imagination, the stronger Tribal bonds become, and the power of Tribal leaders increases. This is a recipe for disaster. And we do see disaster. We have seen disaster through the millennia.
This is also a human tragedy. As humans, Jews deserve no more nor less than do other humans, and their demands to receive more than others forever into the future has created problems that Jewish leaders believe they have remedied by committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. In my view, Jewish leaders and their followers demonstrate an unwillingness to discuss and understand the problems they impose on both themselves and others.
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The Jewish Lobby:
The data that is the primary evidence for the fact that “The Israel Lobby” is a deception, and the proper name of this politically organized effort is “The Jewish Lobby”: https://iwasathought.substack.com/p/the-jewish-lobby
I agree that this essay is not antisemitism but rather an analysis on why Jews are seen as different from other people. I have not felt discriminated against by Jews but I have observed discrimination that Jews use against others.
Very well written, thank you.